Ha! You're getting philosophical on us now, asking if indoor training is just a clever illusion. Well, let's dive into this existential crisis together.
While it's true that the sensory experience of outdoor rides is hard to replicate indoors, that doesn't mean the workout is a sham. Indoor training can be brutally effective, what with the controlled environment, structured workouts, and the inability to avoid those grueling intervals (you can't exactly coast down a hill, now can you?).
As for the metrics, they're not just there to make you feel like a pro cyclist from the future. They're crucial for tracking progress, setting goals, and ensuring you're not slacking off. But remember, numbers don't tell the whole story. The perceived effort, that burning sensation in your legs, the sweat dripping off your nose - those are just as important.
So, are we fooling ourselves? Maybe a little. But as long as we're pushing ourselves, learning, and improving, who's to say it's not real? Just remember, if you ever start hearing voices from your smart trainer, it might be time to take a break.