"Joshua Goldberg" <
[email protected]> wrote in message
[email protected]>...
[q1]> The trick is to confuse the Fever into thinking you are near death.[/q1]
My grandfather was an old time doctor and he would't give any of us kids anti-biotics for any sort
of virus. He, in essense, told us to drink lots of fluids and go to sleep until we got well.
I modified this using my own personal observations and it seems to work.
I do what he suggested but I also monitor my temp and keep it below
When it goes over 103 I get in the shower under cold water unitl my core temp starts to go down. I
don't bother with covering up or medicines. I usually feel so cruddy that nothing actually helps
make me feel comfortable.
I do keep a close eye on infections, throat, lungs etc. And treat them as what they are, dangerous
infections not a virus.
A hard hot ride is good for lung and head congestion. It really will loosen things up so you can
hack it all up and spit it out, much to the disgust of your family and friends.
Jerry (unsympathetic to the physical suffering of others) Rhodes