Whats the ideal balance between weight, durability, and accessibility when choosing bikepacking bags for gravel riding, and how do you prioritize these factors when selecting bags for a specific route or terrain, considering the ever-growing options and varying levels of ruggedness in gravel grinding? Are there any specific features or design elements that can make or break a bikepacking setup, and what role do waterproofing, zipper durability, and internal organization play in the decision-making process? Do the benefits of frame bags, handlebar rolls, and seatpost-mounted packs outweigh their respective drawbacks, or are there situations where a more traditional rack-and-pannier setup still reigns supreme, particularly when carrying larger or bulkier items? Can bikepacking bags be both minimalist and feature-rich, or is that just a myth perpetuated by manufacturers trying to sell us more gear? Are there any emerging trends or innovations in bikepacking design that promise to revolutionize the way we carry our gear on gravel adventures, or are we just seeing the same old ideas rehashed with fancier materials and price tags?