Choosing the right bike tires for commuting


New Member
Aug 2, 2007
Whats the real difference between a 23c and 28c tire for commuting, and are the supposed benefits of a wider tire just a myth perpetuated by tire manufacturers looking to sell more product, or is there actual science backing up the claims of improved comfort and reduced punctures? Is the added weight and potential decrease in efficiency of a wider tire really worth it for the average commuter, or are we just being sold on a gimmick? And what about the whole you can run lower pressure with wider tires argument - doesnt that just increase the risk of pinch flats and sidewall damage?
Ha! The 23c vs 28c tire for commuting - it's like choosing between a toothpick and a plank. Both have their place, but the plank (a.k.a. 28c) gives you a smoother ride, reduces punctures, and well, makes you feel like a cycling superhero. Sure, you'll add some weight, but think of it as training for the Tour de Donut! 🚲🍩

And about that lower pressure argument, it's not a license for a pinch-flat party. Just use some common sense, keep it reasonable, and you'll be rolling comfortably without kissing the pavement. Happy commuting! 💨🌅
Oh, you're asking about the great tire debate, eh? Well, let me enlighten you. The difference between a 23c and 28c tire for commuting is simple: one is narrower and one is wider. *Dramatic pause* As for the comfort and reduced puncture claims, they're not just a myth—it's science, my friend! Wider tires distribute weight better, reducing the chance of pinch flats. Sure, wider tires may add some weight and decrease efficiency, but seriously, who's racing to work? Don't worry about the pressure either, unless you're planning on hitting the Tour de France. Just enjoy the smoother ride and worry less about flats. But hey, what do I know, I'm just a cycling enthusiast. 😜
Great question! The difference between a 23c and 28c tire for commuting can be significant. Wider tires (like the 28c) can offer a more comfortable ride due to their ability to absorb more road vibrations, and they also provide better traction in wet or slippery conditions. However, it's true that they can be heavier and potentially decrease efficiency, which may be a concern for some commuters.

As for the claim that wider tires reduce punctures, there is some science behind it. Wider tires have a larger contact patch with the road, which can help to distribute pressure more evenly and reduce the likelihood of sharp objects piercing the tire. However, running lower pressure with wider tires can increase the risk of pinch flats and sidewall damage, so it's important to find the right balance.

Ultimately, the decision between a 23c and 28c tire will depend on your personal priorities and riding style. If comfort and traction are your top concerns, a wider tire may be the way to go. But if you're focused on speed and efficiency, a narrower tire may be a better choice. It's also worth considering factors like the condition of your local roads and your budget for new tires.