Chicken in the freezer


James McDone

I don't know if this question is for this newsgroup, please
tell me if it is or not and tell me what newsgroup do I post
this type of question in.

Here is the question:

My roomate is keeping a chicken in the freezer and the Best
Before Date is Aug. 8, 2002. I know it is way to long for a
chicken to be in the freazer but, I want to double check
with you people.

"James McDone" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I don't know if this question is for this newsgroup,
> please tell me if it
> or not and tell me what newsgroup do I post this type of
> question in.
> Here is the question:
> My roomate is keeping a chicken in the freezer and the
> Best Before Date is Aug. 8, 2002. I know it is way to long
> for a chicken to be in the freazer but, I want to double
> check with you people.
> James

As long as it was frozen before that date it will be fine.
It may get freezer burn from being in the freezer so long
but it will be perfectly safe to eat.

Peter Aitken

Remove the **** from my email address before using.
On 2004-05-28, James McDone <[email protected]> wrote:

> Aug. 8, 2002. I know it is way to long for a chicken
> to be in the freazer but, I want to double check with
> you people.

Depends on how it's wrapped. If it's vacuum packed, it
should still be good. If not, it's probably mummified.

Be considerate of others and trim your posts. Thank you.
James McDone <[email protected]> wrote:
> I don't know if this question is for this newsgroup,
> please tell me if it is or not and tell me what newsgroup
> do I post this type of question in.

> Here is the question:

> My roomate is keeping a chicken in the freezer and the
> Best Before Date is Aug. 8, 2002. I know it is way to long
> for a chicken to be in the freazer but, I want to double
> check with you people.

I have eaten chicken that's been frozen for 18 months, but
it was wrapped up thoroughly. Your roomate's chicken should
be okay from a health standpoint, but it would probably have
a texture much like shoe leather when its cooked.
"James McDone" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I don't know if this question is for this newsgroup,
> please tell me if it
> or not and tell me what newsgroup do I post this type of
> question in.
> Here is the question:
> My roomate is keeping a chicken in the freezer and the
> Best Before Date is Aug. 8, 2002. I know it is way to long
> for a chicken to be in the freazer but, I want to double
> check with you people.
> James

There is no problem from a health standpoint. Freezing the
food suspends the use by date until the food is thawed. The
only possible "harm" is if the food was not wrapped
properly in which case there could be freezer burn (a
drying of the flesh).

"James McDone" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I don't know if this question is for this newsgroup,
> please tell me if it
> or not and tell me what newsgroup do I post this type of
> question in.
> Here is the question:
> My roomate is keeping a chicken in the freezer and the
> Best Before Date is Aug. 8, 2002. I know it is way to long
> for a chicken to be in the freazer but, I want to double
> check with you people.
> James
Borrow a car from someone you hate and put it in the trunk.
In, James McDone <[email protected]> wrote:

> My roomate is keeping a chicken in the freezer and the
> Best Before Date is Aug. 8, 2002. I know it is way to long
> for a chicken to be in the freazer but, I want to double
> check with you people.

Wait until he is asleep some night, and throw it away. You
will be saving his life.

...I'm an air-conditioned gypsy...

- The Who
I wouldn't bother with something that has been around that
long. Chicken is not that expensive. Why risk it? If
anything it would probably be dry. Sounds yucky to me. Food
tastes so much better fresh.

"Dimitri" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> "James McDone" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > I don't know if this question is for this newsgroup,
> > please tell me if
> is
> > or not and tell me what newsgroup do I post this type of
> > question in.
> >
> > Here is the question:
> >
> > My roomate is keeping a chicken in the freezer and the
> > Best Before Date
> > Aug. 8, 2002. I know it is way to long for a chicken to
> > be in the
> > but, I want to double check with you people.
> >
> > James
> There is no problem from a health standpoint. Freezing the
> food suspends the use by date until the food is thawed.
> The only possible "harm" is if the food was not wrapped
> properly in which case there could be freezer
> (a drying of the flesh).
> Dimitri
>"James McDone" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...

>As long as it was frozen before that date it will be fine.
>It may get freezer burn from being in the freezer so long
>but it will be perfectly safe to eat.

Trim off skin and fat: freezer smell affects this first.

E. P.
> "Mr. Wizard" writes:
>Borrow a car from someone you hate and put it in the trunk.

Why ruin a perfectly good car... if you really hate some guy
that much toss a double D bra behind the seat... next time
the family goes out for a drive their little rugrats will
say "Mommy, what's this?"... poor guy is a gonner... unless
he can convince the family court judge his old lady is a
part time lezzie.

---= BOYCOTT FRANCE (belgium) GERMANY--SPAIN =--- ---= Move
"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without
tribulation." Sheldon ````````````