Whats the most effective method for cleaning a gravel bike chain thats been subjected to a mixture of mud, grit, and road grime, considering the majority of chain cleaning products on the market are nothing more than overpriced, ineffective snake oil, and the most popular methods touted by so-called experts in the cycling community are little more than old wives tales with no basis in scientific fact.
Is it really necessary to use a chain cleaner specifically designed for the task, or can a simple degreaser like Simple Green or a citrus-based cleaner like Pedros Green Fizz get the job done just as effectively, if not more so? And whats the best way to remove stubborn grime and corrosion from the chainrings and cassette, considering the fact that most chain cleaning tools are little more than glorified toothbrushes with a few stiff bristles attached to a handle?
Can anyone provide a detailed, step-by-step guide to cleaning a gravel bike chain thats been thoroughly fouled by a combination of dirt, grime, and neglect, without resorting to the usual cliches and anecdotes about what worked for me or what my buddy told me to do? In other words, can anyone provide a cleaning method thats based on actual science and testing, rather than hearsay and superstition?
And while were on the subject, whats the deal with all the chain cleaning products that claim to be biodegradable and eco-friendly, but still manage to contain a cocktail of toxic chemicals and solvents that would make a hazmat team weep? Are these products really as safe and environmentally friendly as they claim to be, or are they just another example of greenwashing and marketing hype?
Is it really necessary to use a chain cleaner specifically designed for the task, or can a simple degreaser like Simple Green or a citrus-based cleaner like Pedros Green Fizz get the job done just as effectively, if not more so? And whats the best way to remove stubborn grime and corrosion from the chainrings and cassette, considering the fact that most chain cleaning tools are little more than glorified toothbrushes with a few stiff bristles attached to a handle?
Can anyone provide a detailed, step-by-step guide to cleaning a gravel bike chain thats been thoroughly fouled by a combination of dirt, grime, and neglect, without resorting to the usual cliches and anecdotes about what worked for me or what my buddy told me to do? In other words, can anyone provide a cleaning method thats based on actual science and testing, rather than hearsay and superstition?
And while were on the subject, whats the deal with all the chain cleaning products that claim to be biodegradable and eco-friendly, but still manage to contain a cocktail of toxic chemicals and solvents that would make a hazmat team weep? Are these products really as safe and environmentally friendly as they claim to be, or are they just another example of greenwashing and marketing hype?