So apparently, stretching is a thing now in cycling, and Im supposed to be doing it before and after rides to prevent injuries and improve flexibility. I mean, who knew, right? Ive been riding for years and never bothered with any of that nonsense. But I guess Im just a lucky one. So, for all you stretching enthusiasts out there, can you recommend any effective routines that I can do before and after biking? Im talking specifics here, not just oh, stretch your legs and back. What are the actual stretches I should be doing, and how long should I be holding them for? And dont even get me started on the whole dynamic stretching vs static stretching debate. Which one is actually better, or is it just a bunch of made-up mumbo-jumbo? And what about foam rolling? Is that just a fancy way of saying Im too lazy to actually stretch? I mean, Ive seen people using those things, but I have no idea what theyre actually supposed to be doing with them. Are they just rolling around on the floor, hoping to loosen up their muscles or something? And dont even get me started on the whole listen to your body thing. What does that even mean? If my body is telling me to stop stretching and go get a beer, should I just listen to it and forget about the whole thing? Im seriously confused here, so any help would be appreciated. Oh, and one more thing - if I start stretching regularly, will I actually see any noticeable improvements in my riding, or is it just a bunch of hype?