Whats the point of even calling yourself a freeride mountain biker if youre not running clipless pedals - are flat pedals with a wide platform even a viable option for anything beyond casual cruising on groomed trails, or are people just too lazy to learn proper technique and clip in. Is it really worth sacrificing the added control and efficiency of clipless pedals just to have the freedom to wear whatever shoes you want, and whats the real-world tradeoff in terms of performance and safety. Can anyone actually shred on flat pedals with a wide platform, or is this just a myth perpetuated by posers who cant handle the real deal. Whats the minimum skill level required to ride flat pedals effectively in freeride mountain biking, and how do you even begin to develop the necessary skills to ride at a high level without clipless pedals. Are there any real-world advantages to running flat pedals with a wide platform in freeride mountain biking, or is this just a fad for people who dont know any better.