Is it really necessary to shell out hundreds of dollars to a bike fitting specialist when a simple formula like Heel-To-Pedal Spindle Method or the 109% of Inseam Length method can give you a pretty accurate estimate of your correct seat height? I mean, dont bike fitting specialists just use these formulas anyway, or do they have some secret technique that were not aware of?
What exactly are we paying for here - the science, the expertise, or just the comfort of knowing that someone with a clipboard and a degree has taken a look at our riding position? Are the results from a professional bike fit really worth the hefty price tag, or can we achieve similar results through trial and error and some good old-fashioned common sense?
And what about the guys who claim that a proper bike fit can only be achieved by taking a holistic approach, factoring in the riders core strength, flexibility, and riding style? Is this just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, or is there really something to this philosophy?
Can someone who has actually paid for a professional bike fit chime in and tell us - was it worth the investment, or did you just end up tweaking everything yourself after a few rides?
What exactly are we paying for here - the science, the expertise, or just the comfort of knowing that someone with a clipboard and a degree has taken a look at our riding position? Are the results from a professional bike fit really worth the hefty price tag, or can we achieve similar results through trial and error and some good old-fashioned common sense?
And what about the guys who claim that a proper bike fit can only be achieved by taking a holistic approach, factoring in the riders core strength, flexibility, and riding style? Is this just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo, or is there really something to this philosophy?
Can someone who has actually paid for a professional bike fit chime in and tell us - was it worth the investment, or did you just end up tweaking everything yourself after a few rides?