Can bike helmets be worn with a reflective vest or armband without completely negating the safety benefits of the helmet itself, and if so, what are the specific certifications or standards that manufacturers must adhere to in order to ensure that their reflective gear doesnt compromise the structural integrity or impact protection of the helmet, and shouldnt we be prioritizing the development of helmets with integrated reflective materials or smart fabrics that can provide enhanced visibility without the need for additional accessories, and wouldnt that be a more practical and effective solution than strapping on a separate reflective vest or armband that may or may not stay in place during a crash, and whats the point of having a reflective vest or armband if its just going to get tangled up in the helmets straps or obstruct the riders peripheral vision, and shouldnt we be focusing on designing helmets that are more aerodynamic and streamlined, with built-in reflective strips or accents that dont add any unnecessary bulk or weight, and cant we just eliminate the need for reflective vests and armbands altogether by incorporating more advanced safety features into the helmets themselves, such as impact sensors, GPS, and LED lights that can alert other road users to the presence of a cyclist, and wouldnt that be a more innovative and forward-thinking approach to cycling safety, rather than just slapping on a reflective vest or armband and calling it a day.