is Zwifts whole social aspect just a load of hype or am i just missing somethin here. i mean think about it, most people just join groups solo and ride their own pace, or just troll the front of the group without contributing to the effort, ive even seen guys riding in a group and still managing to average 400 watts. whats the point of even being in a group if its just gonna be a solo effort. or are the social butterflies just that much better at keyboard warriorin than the rest of us. does anyone actually form meaningful connections with other riders on Zwift, or are we all just faceless usernames in a sea of watts and kilometers. im not sayin it cant be done, im sayin ive been on Zwift for years and aside from gettin shredded by some dude named Snugglebug85 i havent really had any meaningful interactions with other riders. has anyone had a different experience. do the group rides and social features on Zwift actually work for people or are we just pretendin to be part of some big happy Zwift family. do the pros of the social aspect outweigh the cons of bein surrounded by tryhards and trolls, or am i just too grumpy to see the point. so spill the beans, how do you guys make meaningful connections with other riders on Zwift, or am i just stuck in a virtual sea of lonely solo riders