Boulder Mayor Rox for NBG Scott & HiWhel Steve

This report found its way into my email box late Friday and I am not
getting it posted until now because I have been getting ready for our
final push into the SF Bay Area in under three weeks time. Besides
riding the San Francisco Critical Mass on Friday and doing podcast
interviews of bike messengers up there and etc, I have also been
getting my HiWheels ready for the Folsom to Sacramento river run (45
miles), one of the best rides that I have ever done anywhere, that
takes place on Sunday July 23rd. To
<>join us!

Nor is getting a HiWheel ready like any other garden variety bike fix.
As the legendary Steve Stevens below can tell you, one cannot just run
out and buy a replacement part if something should break. I have, for
example, been replacing tires which involves procuring, then learning
how to use, a Weideman Tool, using math formulas to get the rubber and
inner wire lengths right and, get this, running a MAPP gas torch at 5000
degrees to melt the silver solder that is needed, among other things.

That said, here is the indefatigable
<>Scott Campbell who is headed now for
Salt Lake City and then the desert ahead. To see where he's been, all
the excitement his ride from Boston has created, and what's ahead, see
our <>schedule/scorecard

Chris Krieg led us on a tour of Denver to show the group
<>some of his work on the sides of a couple of
buildings. The first was a mural with a bicycle theme by an artist named
Ortega and the second was a large scale Renoir. It is my opinion that
Chris does very good work.

Afterwards the group biked 19 miles to Steve Stevens' home in Golden to
see his collection of early era bicycles, bicycle accessories and art.
His whole house is filled with bicycles from the 1800s. There are dozens
of photographs taken in the 1890s of scenes in and around Denver. He has
collected high wheels, trikes and safeties from all over the world. One
of the most impressive pieces in his collection is a harp that once
stood in the White House in Washington, D.C. It was used up until
President Nixon took office.

Steve prepared a meal fit for a king while we all wandered through his
home/museum. Everyone ate until they were stuffed. After the meal we got
to take a look at Steve's collection of modern bicycles hanging in the
garage. Then, it was time to head off to Boulder for the ceremony there.
We said our goodbyes to Chris and David and headed up the hill towards
Boulder, 30 miles away.

As we passed through Golden's downtown area Sabrina Henderson,
Communications Manager for the City of Golden, was standing in the
middle of the street with her camera. She took several photos of us as
we rode past her. She also handled Steve a bag of Golden lapel pins to
hand out to the riders.

The climb to Boulder was not too steep but the wind had picked up
considerably and this made the ride really tough. Once in Boulder we met
with Greg Miller, a past rider for the NBG, and several of the staff
from the mayor's office. We rode the last mile on a bike path to a very
nice park next to city hall. Shortly after our arrival, Boulder Bike
Coordinator, Marni Ratzel came over with Chris Jones, the coordinator
for Bike to Work. The Mayor, Marc Ruzzin walked over with his son in a

Mayor Ruzzin had the proclamation all ready and he made his
presentation. We had some time to talk afterwards about the efforts the
city is making to add more bike paths. Boulder already has an extensive
system of bike paths. I told Mayor Ruzzin cities around the country need
to focus their efforts on making the path systems transportation
corridors and not recreation facilities. He then handed me a map of the
city with all the paths shown on it. Boulder is doing a very good job of
putting paths where the population centers are so people can get from
home to work or school without using a car.

I shook Mark's hand, said keep up the good work, and goodbye. We needed
to get some food before we headed over to the garden party we were
invited to.

That is all for now.
Good to go!,
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