Bne: Courier Mail: Walking, riding our way to health




Walking, riding our way to health
Michael Corkill

The Courier Mail, April 11, 2006

WALKING and cycling are growing in popularity in Brisbane on the back
of an election pledge by Lord Mayor Campbell to provide safer
infrastructure for those who leave the car at home.

A survey for the Brisbane City Council has found a 33 per cent increase
in the number of people cycling on Sundays, and a 20 per cent increase
in people walking on Saturdays.

There was also up to an 8 per cent increase in the number of cyclists
and walkers on shared pathways during the week.

The figures were contained in the Brisbane Active Transport Strategy:
Walking and Cycling Plan 2005-2010, formerly known as the Bicycle
Brisbane Plan, launched last month by Cr Newman.

The strategy outlined plans for future bikepaths and safer footpaths
and fulfilled an election promise of Cr Newman to promote such

However it had Labor councillors questioning whether the provision of
just 10km of new bike paths a year was too slow.

"Considering we are only spending about $5 million a year and it will
take 50 years to complete the bikeway network that is a pretty small
investment," Labor leader Cr David Hinchliffe said.

The strategy covers key areas including infrastructure, education and
encouragement, user safety and personal security, mid journey and end
of trip facilities, land use planning, integration with public
transport, integration with transport programs and projects and other
clean and green transport modes.

It includes walking and cycling routes to major centres, bus
intercharges, railway stations and ferry terminals.
"the Brisbane Active Transport Strategy:
Walking and Cycling Plan 2005-2010, formerly known as the Bicycle
Brisbane Plan, launched last month by Cr Newman."

so basically a politician* RE 'launching' something from 05 and claiming it as a sign of government/council making positive steps? :rolleyes:

pardon my cynicism but 'Lame-O' come sto mind...

* dutchy hereby outs his conflict of interest that BrisCC is a major client. ssshhhhhhhh
flyingdutch said:
pardon my cynicism but 'Lame-O' come sto mind...
That's our 'Can Do Cam' and I'd be surprised if he gets re-elected in the next election. At least I hope he doesn't. He's a f*cknard.


P.S. I saw a sticker on a car yesterday which said "Is that true, or is your News Limited?" - thought it was brilliant. If anyone knows where I can get one of these, please let me know.
LotteBum wrote:
> flyingdutch Wrote:
> > pardon my cynicism but 'Lame-O' come sto mind...

> That's our 'Can Do Cam' and I'd be surprised if he gets re-elected in
> the next election. At least I hope he doesn't. He's a f*cknard.
> Lotte
> P.S. I saw a sticker on a car yesterday which said "Is that true, or is
> your News Limited?" - thought it was brilliant. If anyone knows where I
> can get one of these, please let me know.
> --
> LotteBum

If no one supplies that information, I reckon we should make some!

Yesterday there was an article in the CM about how bus usership had
boomed recently in Brissie. The rest of the article was about Labour
and Liberal councillors squabbling over who was responsible for the
initiatives that led to the increase. They would be more likely to
attract my vote if they said what they were going to do next, to
consolidate and build on the trend. Hmmm, perhaps they said this, but
News was Limited (Courier Mail is part of the NL stable).

No one claimed responsibility for the rise in fuel prices, which I
suspect had some role.

Tamyka Bell said:
LotteBum wrote:
> flyingdutch Wrote:
> > pardon my cynicism but 'Lame-O' come sto mind...

> That's our 'Can Do Cam' and I'd be surprised if he gets re-elected in
> the next election. At least I hope he doesn't. He's a f*cknard.
> Lotte
> P.S. I saw a sticker on a car yesterday which said "Is that true, or is
> your News Limited?" - thought it was brilliant. If anyone knows where I
> can get one of these, please let me know.
> --
> LotteBum

If no one supplies that information, I reckon we should make some!


suggests the sticker "News Limited, Truth Lost"

LotteBum said:
P.S. I saw a sticker on a car yesterday which said "Is that true, or is your News Limited?" - thought it was brilliant. If anyone knows where I can get one of these, please let me know.

Fricken genius! Please do pass on details if you find where to obtain these stickers. :p
cfsmtb said:
Fricken genius! Please do pass on details if you find where to obtain these stickers. :p
I've e-mailed my friend who is a Greens member as I think it's one of their stickers. I've had a look on their website but can't find anything. When I find out, I'll try and get a heap and forward them on :)
"Donga" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Yesterday there was an article in the CM about how bus usership had
> boomed recently in Brissie. The rest of the article was about Labour
> and Liberal councillors squabbling over who was responsible for the
> initiatives that led to the increase. They would be more likely to
> attract my vote if they said what they were going to do next, to
> consolidate and build on the trend. Hmmm, perhaps they said this, but
> News was Limited (Courier Mail is part of the NL stable).
> No one claimed responsibility for the rise in fuel prices, which I
> suspect had some role.
> Donga

I'd suspect a MAJOR role, but it would be in their best interests for them
to highlight what they believe they've done to contribute to the increased
patronage, after all they need to do everything to ensure they're
re-elected, and isn't that what politics is all about these days? <cynicism
generator shutdown> I don't recall the BCC increasing bus services, and/or
decreasing fees which would be the obvious initiatives that could be
employed to increase usership.
retrograded said:
I don't recall the BCC increasing bus services, and/or
decreasing fees which would be the obvious initiatives that could be
employed to increase usership.
You're right. I do recall that they shut down the Ann Street bus lane though.