Bike measurements!


New Member
May 27, 2018
Ever wondered if the bike shop measured and set your bike up properly? I had my bike measurements done by these guys (check link below) last week. Cost me R100 (approx. A$25). You send in your measurements according to your cycling class (competition, touring etc.) and they map out the correct bike setup for you.
Check the site for a fitting centre in your country.
Bike shops here in Florida will help you set up your bike to suit you. However, a rider may sometimes tweak things after the initial setup. There is no perfect setup from the day you get the bike. My LBS told me, when I bought a different saddle, that it must be level from the nose to the back. I found that didn't work well for me. My seat post has two adjustment bolts for fine tuning. That is a lot better than the single nut that you slacken to get the right setting. An eighth of an inch, one way or the other, can make for a better or worse ride. The height of the saddle is easy to determine by sitting on the bike, and putting your heel on a pedal so that your leg is straight and parallel with the seat tube. Your hip should be level.

Umm... I don't see the link you mentioned.
I used the fit ideas in Greg LeMond's ( and Kent Gordis) 1987 book "Complete Book of Bicycling" - check Amazon for a more current edition .
Like @Chuckabutty, I also depend on the bike shop attendant for the measurement of the bike. But I also make sure that the seat is in level with my hip bone. And after riding for a kilometer or 2, that's when you will feel the need for adjustments particularly the saddle. I remember the time when I did not buy the bike even after so many adjustments. I really couldn't identify the problem but the bike just didn't seem to fit me.
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