Ah, the age-old question of the warm-up. Some swear by it, while others see it as a waste of precious energy. Let's dive into this controversy, shall we?
Warming up before a Zwift FTP test is like revving up your engine before a race. It increases your heart rate, gets blood flowing to your muscles, and primes your nervous system for the task at hand. Sure, you might feel like you're "blowing up" in the first 5 minutes, but trust me, that's a good thing. It means your body is responding to the demands of the test.
As for the intensity and duration of the warm-up, it's a bit of a Goldilocks situation. Too short, and you won't be adequately prepared. Too long, and you'll exhaust yourself before the main event. Aim for 15-20 minutes, with the last 5-10 minutes being more intense to really get your legs firing.
Now, about that all-out effort for the 20-minute test. Yes, you should be giving it your all. But remember, "all" doesn't necessarily mean 110%. It's about maintaining a sustainable, steady effort. Think of it like a long, grueling sprint. It's not about raw power, but about consistency and endurance.
So, to sum it up, warm up, push hard, and stay steady. And remember, pain is just a temporary sensation...or so I keep telling myself. Good luck with your FTP test!