Are we really still debating the merits of different battery types for ebikes, or have we finally come to our senses and accepted that lithium-ion is the only viable option for anyone who doesnt want to be stuck in the dark ages? I mean, seriously, whos still peddling the notion that lead-acid or nickel-cadmium batteries are suitable for ebikes? And dont even get me started on the so-called advantages of lithium-iron phosphate batteries - have you seen the weight and range penalties associated with those things? And yet, I still see people touting them as some kind of miracle solution. Meanwhile, the rest of us are over here enjoying our high-performance lithium-ion batteries and wondering what all the fuss is about. Can someone please explain to me why were still having this conversation? Are there really people out there who think that the slight cost savings of alternative battery types outweighs the massive performance hit they take?