Today, I was playing basketball with Dave.
We established:
1. A player can ride out of bounds, back in bounds and continue play.
2. A player can dismount, mount and continue to play.
3. A player must have 3 pedal revolutions after the shot for it to
(I know #3 is oppossed to the official rules)
4. STEPS AND TRAVELING The player is allowed two steps. (9.2)
I was in possession of the ball, Dave was on defense.
I attempted to make a shot and missed.
After I missed, I wanted to make a tight turn, so I grabbed the goal
swung around, got the ball, dribbled to half court and scored.
A. Dave says the points should NOT count because I used the pole to make
the turn.
B. I say that it is okay to touch the pole as long as the player is NOT
in possession of the ball.
Likewise, I believe:
1. if the ball strikes the pole it is out of bounds.
2. If the player has the ball in 1 hand, and leans on the pole it is out
of bounds.
3. In NBA basketball, a player can touch the pole as long as he does not
have possession.
The "Official Rules to be used at UNICON 10 for basketball" only
addresses the matter in this way:
"9.4 PLAYER ON UNICYCLE The player can only play the ball while mounted
on the unicycle and not touching anything else for support. This applies
to offense, defense, and during jump balls. As an exception to this
rule, players may jump off the unicycle for slam dunks and to block
shots, as long as the player is aware of where the unicycle will end up
and that it will not cause a safety hazard. If another player is fouled
by the player that jumped or gets hit by the abandoned unicycle, a
flagrant foul will be called. The player throwing the ball inbound must
be mounted."
"A player shall not make a second dribble after having completed a
dribble, unless the ball, when it is out of the player's control, has
touched another player, or the opponents' basket or backboard, or has
been batted out of the player's control by an opponent."
Can a player without possession of the ball use the goal post for
turning, balance, stopping, and making quick reverses (as long as the
player is not in possession of the ball)?
ChangingLINKS.com - member
Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
Drew Brown
ChangingLINKS.com's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5468
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32253
We established:
1. A player can ride out of bounds, back in bounds and continue play.
2. A player can dismount, mount and continue to play.
3. A player must have 3 pedal revolutions after the shot for it to
(I know #3 is oppossed to the official rules)
4. STEPS AND TRAVELING The player is allowed two steps. (9.2)
I was in possession of the ball, Dave was on defense.
I attempted to make a shot and missed.
After I missed, I wanted to make a tight turn, so I grabbed the goal
swung around, got the ball, dribbled to half court and scored.
A. Dave says the points should NOT count because I used the pole to make
the turn.
B. I say that it is okay to touch the pole as long as the player is NOT
in possession of the ball.
Likewise, I believe:
1. if the ball strikes the pole it is out of bounds.
2. If the player has the ball in 1 hand, and leans on the pole it is out
of bounds.
3. In NBA basketball, a player can touch the pole as long as he does not
have possession.
The "Official Rules to be used at UNICON 10 for basketball" only
addresses the matter in this way:
"9.4 PLAYER ON UNICYCLE The player can only play the ball while mounted
on the unicycle and not touching anything else for support. This applies
to offense, defense, and during jump balls. As an exception to this
rule, players may jump off the unicycle for slam dunks and to block
shots, as long as the player is aware of where the unicycle will end up
and that it will not cause a safety hazard. If another player is fouled
by the player that jumped or gets hit by the abandoned unicycle, a
flagrant foul will be called. The player throwing the ball inbound must
be mounted."
"A player shall not make a second dribble after having completed a
dribble, unless the ball, when it is out of the player's control, has
touched another player, or the opponents' basket or backboard, or has
been batted out of the player's control by an opponent."
Can a player without possession of the ball use the goal post for
turning, balance, stopping, and making quick reverses (as long as the
player is not in possession of the ball)?
ChangingLINKS.com - member
Wishing you Happiness, Joy and Laughter,
Drew Brown
ChangingLINKS.com's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/5468
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32253