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Hi all,

I hope you all had a great weekend, and a safe journey home.

The weather was great, the trials course Yoggi and Vince built was ace,
the hockey was good and fast, and the Muni ride was just class!

All my 276 pictures will be on the net asap, but without Java it may
take awhile…!

Also, it was cool to meet up with the guys I talk to on here and MSN.
You know who you are!

I must also thank Mike for building up my wheel in time for the Muni
ride, and Sarah for bringing long the projector so we could watch some
videos, and for making some cool unicycle window stickers!

When I get a bit of time, I will post the Trials competition results,
maybe the freestyle ones, and give you a link to my pic (when they are


joe - Who needs cranks anyways?

:cool: ** :cool:

'I like to show off in front of people not to show them what I can do,
but to show them what can be done on a unicycle' - Sofa

joe's Profile:
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I know, Tree! Did you get my email?

So, North.... Did you actaully do that 16footer? I was out all day
sunday on a muni. I also missed your freestlye routine... was it good?

OWS, Who are you? I think you might have told me who you are, but I

Grrr.. Java still aint working....

Please post links to your pics (if you have any) on this thread..


joe - Who needs cranks anyways?

:cool: ** :cool:

'I like to show off in front of people not to show them what I can do,
but to show them what can be done on a unicycle' - Sofa

joe's Profile:
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T'was indeed a great weekend!

I particularly enjoyed the trialsy bits... other than the random pile at
the last BUC that was probably the first time I've ridden trials without
risking the withering glares and damnation of people who disapprove. It
was nice to be able to pedal grab all over the place guilt free... :)

The trials competition had a really great atmosphere... lots of people
watching, and seeing Joe, Si and Yoggi ride the third round course was
so tense.

Aaron, Iain (1 or 2 'i's?) and I decided we might as well give the third
stage a try... we didn't finish it, but the support from the people
watching was incredible. I managed to do some stuff I had never done
before, and came away with 4th place... :)

The muni was excellent, the highlight being watching Yoggi do trials at
the top of Roseberry Topping... big drops with VERY big drops if it went
wrong, and loads of random walkers watching too. Great fun!

We were fortunate with the weather, too; this is my first sunburn of the
year... :)

Two more t-shirts to add to the collection... the excellent BUC11
t-shirt and one I made myself the morning before setting off, with my
legoman picture on it. Came in handy...

Definitely worth the 14 hours in the car to get there and back, and the
difficulty of walking anywhere today!


phil - ex-studenty type

"Cattle Prods solve most of life's little problems."
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onefiftyfour wrote:
> *Can anyone explain the following photo:*

Have you never seen anyone bounce a two-wheeled giraffe on their head
before? :)

That was Roger and Rocket's two-wheeler routine in the show. Connie, in
the middle, was about to give Roger a shoulder to lean on, I think.


phil - ex-studenty type

"Cattle Prods solve most of life's little problems."
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phil wrote:
> *
> Have you never seen anyone bounce a two-wheeled giraffe on their head
> before? :)
> That was Roger and Rocket's two-wheeler routine in the show. Connie,
> in the middle, was about to give Roger a shoulder to lean on, I
> think.
> Phil *


and the two wheeler and the juggling rings were hanging from the


joe - Who needs cranks anyways?

:cool: ** :cool:

'I like to show off in front of people not to show them what I can do,
but to show them what can be done on a unicycle' - Sofa

joe's Profile:
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phil wrote:
> *
> That was Roger and Rocket's two-wheeler routine in the show. Connie,
> in the middle, was about to give Roger a shoulder to lean on, I
> think.
> *

Connie Cotter was there! Cool. Any other colonists make it over?

One of these years I'm going to have to make it over to the U.K. for the

john_childs - Guinness Mojo

john_childs (at) hotmail (dot) com
Gallery: '' (
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Yeah, Connie was there! She is great!
She was staying with Roger, s also came to Hockey on Thursday before the

I'm not sure what a Colonist is, but I think it is someone from far away
(maybe??). In that case, Yoggi came over from France with his mates
Vincent and John (John arrived on Saturday). There was the guy from Sweden (sorry - I don’t know your name!) and a couple of
Belgian guys - again, sorry for not knowing your names!

I was not aware of any other 'colonists'. Maybe someone else was...

John, it would be great to have you over to the BUC some time!


joe - Who needs cranks anyways?

:cool: ** :cool:

'I like to show off in front of people not to show them what I can do,
but to show them what can be done on a unicycle' - Sofa

joe's Profile:
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I really enjoyed the weekend, and so did the rest of my family. One of
the things I like about weekend meets is that you have more time to
socialize, rather than zoom off at the end of the day. It was a good
convention - a big thanks to all the organisers and volenteers for their
hard work and efforts in making this year's BUC a success. Thanks.

Apart from watching Tio clown around on stage after the show, the
hi-light was that wonderful muni ride through Guisbourgh forest - nice
one Roger.

I hope to see a lot of you soon up in Manchester for the next uni meet,
which is on Sat 22nd May. I will of course bring along all the trials
bits and pieces.

See you there.


steve.colligan's Profile:
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BUC was yet again great this year!

The food provided was much better than expected and despite some
problems with the sleeping arrangements it was all good fun!

I think the most memorable for everyone is the Trails set up, Im no
trials rider myself but its become increasingly popular in the UK and
everyone seemed to enjoy it. I think it is a tough example to beat for
next year, so well done to yoggie for setting it up!

I have heard lots of comments about excellant Muni and as i did not
manage to go on the muni will think about taking a look at it some time
in the future!

Has there been any thoughts on where it is going to be next year?

little_leigh's Profile:
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joe wrote:
> *
> So, North.... Did you actaully do that 16footer? I was out all day
> sunday on a muni. I also missed your freestlye routine... was it
> good?
> *

i dont think north did anything on sunday, as i believe his ankle was
still a bit sore, from the beach, he came over to talk to s but we were
all tired and the conversation was dead so he went home.
i wouldnt say his freestyle routine was good, but respect for entering
without any real idea of what he was doing and not caring if he couldnt
land tricks.

tom_edmonds - Finally...less talking, more riding

"rest and elevation" we know its all we'll be told, so why do we still
go and wait in A&E all day?
tom_edmonds's Profile:
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yeah was very good, and thats gotta be the most and best trials I've
done in one day compared to the rest of the year! Well done everyone, oh
and especially Roger for 'helping out', if you were helping out Roger
who was organising it! :p

pluto - Muni obsesive

one or two wheels
+ a mountain
= fun
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Fantastic weekend!

I'm still feeling it though. I could barely walk yesterday, a little
better today but not ready to get back on a Uni. The muni ride was the
highlight of the weekend, especially as there were so many of us.

I've been editing the video of the trials comp, so I should be able to
post some of it to the gallery soon, and some of the show, and the
hockey. If people want any/all of the videos on DVD I'll do that for the
cost of the disc.


paul royle - Newbie
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Hi Paul - check your email!

What I forgot to put in the email was that I would like a copy of ALL
the video(s) of the weekend. I'll sort that out with you later.

As for my pictures, I installed Java, and it works, but it is so slow! I
am currently uploading the pictures using the form! :rolleyes:
Anyways, they can be found in my 'buc11 gallery'

Also, I have put up the 'Trials Results' ( from
the competition up.


joe - Who needs cranks anyways?

:cool: ** :cool:

'I like to show off in front of people not to show them what I can do,
but to show them what can be done on a unicycle' - Sofa

joe's Profile:
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Yes it was a good weekend, The event was organised well and they had
food that we didnt have to travel far to get which was nice compared to
BUC 9.
I wil have some pics up of BJC and BUC once ive got my computer sorted
out completly.


unicycleboy - Freestyle Expert

ok maybe a bit of a juggler.
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Great weekend, the only bad things were that it went too quick and it’s
a year ‘till the next BUC :( And I can’t even make the next unimeet
(quad riding that weekend).

I was so busy riding that I only managed to take two photos so please
post any you have to the gallery, thanks to those who already have.

I managed to crack a couple of skills over the weekend too, thanks in
part to Connie Cotter, and even did some back flips/somersaults (of
sorts) thanks to Trev.

The Muni ride was excellent but did show me that my inactivity over the
winter has had its toll, must get into shape.

I’ll PM you Paul about the video footage Re. our Muni conversation.

Too many good things to list, thanks go to all the organisers.

Cheers, Gary


Every time I try to write my signature the pen slips on the monitor.
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