Are manufacturers really expected to provide no accessories when a bike is purchased, not even a basic bell or water bottle holder, and is it really up to the consumer to purchase these essentials separately, or are some manufacturers including these accessories, and if so, which ones. Considering the cost of some bikes, it seems reasonable to expect that some basic accessories would be included, but this seems not to be the case, why is that, is it a cost-cutting measure, or is it expected that consumers will want to choose their own bells and water bottle holders, and is this a problem for consumers who are new to cycling and may not know what to look for in these accessories. Are there any manufacturers that are bucking this trend and including useful accessories with their bikes, and are these bikes more or less expensive than those that do not include accessories. Is it a case of you get what you pay for, and if you want a bike with accessories, you need to be prepared to pay a premium for it, or can you get a good deal on a bike with accessories. Ultimately, should accessories like bells and water bottle holders be included with the purchase of a bike, or should consumers be left to purchase these essentials separately.