one wheeled stallion
Hi all, I was hoping as this is the nicest kindest forum of wonderful
people in the history of nice kind forums of wonderful people, that
there may be some of you who would be willing to knock up a One Wheeled
Stallion logo. I'm looking for the classier image, rather than out and
out caricatures. I want something to go on the web page I'm building and
also to turn into stickers for my unis etc.
Anybody got half an hour to help a fellow unicyclist?!
Thanks a lot,
one wheeled stallion - Guerilla Unicyclist
"It's all in the mind, not the behind" -Mikefule
one wheeled stallion's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4832
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32183
people in the history of nice kind forums of wonderful people, that
there may be some of you who would be willing to knock up a One Wheeled
Stallion logo. I'm looking for the classier image, rather than out and
out caricatures. I want something to go on the web page I'm building and
also to turn into stickers for my unis etc.
Anybody got half an hour to help a fellow unicyclist?!
Thanks a lot,
one wheeled stallion - Guerilla Unicyclist
"It's all in the mind, not the behind" -Mikefule
one wheeled stallion's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/4832
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/32183