I am about to order a new Coker Big One and have some questions :
- Why would I get the XLR street tire rather than the default button
- Both of my current unis (24,29) have 125mm cranks. Any reason for
going with the 150s?
- Handle : What has been the experience with the Coker handle?
- Brakes : I don't see an immediate need. The terrain I ride is not
that hilly and is primarily on paved road. I could always get the
brakes and put them on later. Any other factors I should consider?
- Seat post/clamp - the "both" option for seat post and clamp...does
that mean I get 2 seat posts and 2 clamps? Why would I do this?
- Are there any benefits of ordering through a dealer like Unicycle.com
rather than direct from Coker?
Thanks...looking forward to some new experiences....
tomkarches's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12418
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/70966
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services
- Why would I get the XLR street tire rather than the default button
- Both of my current unis (24,29) have 125mm cranks. Any reason for
going with the 150s?
- Handle : What has been the experience with the Coker handle?
- Brakes : I don't see an immediate need. The terrain I ride is not
that hilly and is primarily on paved road. I could always get the
brakes and put them on later. Any other factors I should consider?
- Seat post/clamp - the "both" option for seat post and clamp...does
that mean I get 2 seat posts and 2 clamps? Why would I do this?
- Are there any benefits of ordering through a dealer like Unicycle.com
rather than direct from Coker?
Thanks...looking forward to some new experiences....
tomkarches's Profile: http://www.unicyclist.com/profile/12418
View this thread: http://www.unicyclist.com/thread/70966
Posted Via Usenet.com Premium Usenet Newsgroup Services