Soft Butz wrote:
> Mountain Equipment Coop on Broadway in Vancouver has a full-face "REM"
> ski helmet with sun-visor and a chin-guard aka chin bar (might not be
> in their web store) for only $117. Nicer on head than the $220 Viper
> MX bike helmet. Anybody with comments on using a ski helmet?
I've got a Bell full face I wear sometimes during the winter. Keeps the
frozen wind from blasting my face directly which makes it easier to
breathe. Also provides a measure of false security when it's icy. I
don't think I paid more than $50 for it.
I haven't looked up your ski helmet, but the main diff I can think of
between bike and ski helmets is that bike helmets tend to sit a little
higher on the back of the head to account for the crouched position.
Skiiers/boarders crouch too, but not sure if it's as pronounced or for
as long. I'd hate to go for a longish ride when the back of my helmet
was pushing against the base of my neck, especially if there's a visor
on it.
You should consider weight too. It's hardly an end-all for anything,
but if your neck is killing you after propping the thing up for an
extended period, you ain't gonna wear it.