A Rest for Pro's



When Boonie Boonen says that he's having a few days off after winning
the Paris-Roubaix, what does that mean? Does he whack on the uggies
and watch the TV with a packet of crisps, or is a day off only
spending 2.5hrs on the bike rather than 6?

Brendo said:
When Boonie Boonen says that he's having a few days off after winning the Paris-Roubaix, what does that mean? Does he whack on the uggies and watch the TV with a packet of crisps, or is a day off only
spending 2.5hrs on the bike rather than 6?

*Ponders weighty philosophical question*

Well that's food for thought isn't it? Maybe Tom kicks back and tucks into the pies à la Ullrich-style?

No, no, no, think I've sussed it out. Boonen either goes on a photo shoot or hangs out with some of his more ardent fans.


I'd Do Boonen (facebook group, requires login)