61cm Eddy Merckx Corsa 0.1


Tom Kunich

This is the '95 or so yellow with reddish trim ones $1500 a small fraction
of what it cost me.

One of the classic Eddy Merckx bikes forever. If you're a strong Crit rider
this is absolutely the bike for you.

Circa 1995 Eddy Merckx Corsa 0.1 - 61 cm c-t
Mix of 8-Speed Campy Record and Chorus (when purchased, Record was selling
so fast it was difficult to get any Record components)
Campy Atlanta Rims on Record hubs

One of the finest crit bikes ever made for a big strong man. This was the
second from the top model and I preferred it to the Max tubing
top-of-the-line. This one is made out of Deddiacia 0.1 tubing and is MUCH
nicer. It is nice round tubes that don't have that angular look.

When I first bought the bike I rode it quite a bit and raced it a small
amount. However, it probably doesn't have 2,000 miles on it and hasn't been
out of the garage in years.

Email me for pictures.
On Apr 2, 10:06 pm, "Tom Kunich" <cyclintom@yahoo. com> wrote:
> This is the '95 or so yellow with reddish trim ones $1500 a small fraction
> of what it cost me.
> One of the classic Eddy Merckx bikes forever. If you're a strong Crit rider
> this is absolutely the bike for you.
> Circa 1995 Eddy Merckx Corsa 0.1 - 61 cm c-t
> Mix of 8-Speed Campy Record and Chorus (when purchased, Record was selling
> so fast it was difficult to get any Record components)
> Campy Atlanta Rims on Record hubs
> One of the finest crit bikes ever made for a big strong man. This was the
> second from the top model and I preferred it to the Max tubing
> top-of-the-line. This one is made out of Deddiacia 0.1 tubing and is MUCH
> nicer. It is nice round tubes that don't have that angular look.
> When I first bought the bike I rode it quite a bit and raced it a small
> amount. However, it probably doesn't have 2,000 miles on it and hasn't been
> out of the garage in years.
> Email me for pictures.

Part it out, TK. There's a ShimaNo user out there who'd love to have
that frame and doesn't want any Campy on it except maybe the headset.
Which, if it's one of the Desired Objects, could get you close to a
hundred bucks on ebay, even used. Is it a CRec seatpost? Another
hundred bucks, easy, for a nice one, even used.

BTW, Eddie made crit bikes and the Corsas weren't. --D-y-y