Stage 20 ITT
The wind prediction on Saturday for nearby Chateauroux from is 5-10mph from WSW. So assuming the same wind direction in the surrounding 80km... the first 10km out of Cerilly should be downwind then they will swing around to a more westerly direction and it will be more into their faces and across from the left. The last 10km should be directly into the wind... if the forecasts are correct. Currently the wind is from the east...and its expected to swing around to a southerly wind on Friday... then a WSW wind on Saturday for the time trial.
The wind prediction on Saturday for nearby Chateauroux from is 5-10mph from WSW. So assuming the same wind direction in the surrounding 80km... the first 10km out of Cerilly should be downwind then they will swing around to a more westerly direction and it will be more into their faces and across from the left. The last 10km should be directly into the wind... if the forecasts are correct. Currently the wind is from the east...and its expected to swing around to a southerly wind on Friday... then a WSW wind on Saturday for the time trial.