weight loss

  1. I

    Stamina problems - any advice?

    Hello everyone, This is my first post, so excuse me if I make any mistakes. I just wanted to get some advice about something that has been bothering me in a while, and I thought this was the most appropriate subforum in this website where I could post it. I am a 27-year-old female...
  2. Choice Cut Nutrition

    Cycling and weight loss

    Hey guys, I'm seeking input from all the Clydesdale riders out there. I've been impressed as to how fast some of you guys are, and can't help but think that you would be totally killing it if you broke past your weight loss plateaus. Even dropping 10 lbs can make a huge difference in your...
  3. D

    Am i pushing myself too hard?

    Hey everyone, So I am currently a 97.5 kg (215 lbs) rider, I was 104.3 kg (230 lbs) last month, so, so far I have lost around 15 lbs in one month, and I feel great about it. However, today, I am not feeling too great, I think. I felt like I've been training quite hard in just about the past...
  4. D

    100kg rider maintaining 350-400 watts?

    Hi everyone, So I'm a 101kg male and I have recently just begun riding my bike again two weeks ago, and since I just got a power meter installed to measure my performance, I have noticed that I am maintaining an average of 350 - 400 watts over a period of an hour at a time, but after that I do...
  5. CoreAddison

    Tips to lose weight without dieting

    GIVE YOU A GOOD AND GENEROUS BREAKFAST. Studies have shown that the hormone ghrelin, appetite-related tends to fall on women who eat breakfast larger and more abundant, unlike those who eat a little breakfast. So, starting tomorrow, breakfast well without remorse. That yes, remember that...
  6. Bigbananabike

    21 Days to prepare for Hilly 110kms race. Advice welcome

    On Jan 16th I'm doing a hilly (though very scenic) 110kms race. http://www.tourderanges.co.nz/ I might have a ride on my rollers for an album length tomorrow then an early ride on Boxing day (the weather is supposed to be better and if I go out early enough there won't be Christmas traffic)...
  7. J

    Dieting vs training

    I want to get stronger, and to lose weight. How mutually exclusive are these goals? If they are, how should I prioritize them? I have been sticking to eating more or less to 2500 kcal per day irrespective of how much I ride (if at all) that day. On some days, like today where I did a hilly...