How to update Zwift on iPad


New Member
Nov 2, 2006
Why do Zwift updates on iPad always seem to be a gamble, and whats the most reliable way to ensure you dont end up stuck in an endless loop of failed downloads and crashes. Its getting to the point where its almost easier to just buy a new iPad every time Zwift pushes out an update.

Is it really too much to ask for a seamless update process that doesnt require a degree in computer science to navigate. And whats with the constant need to delete and reinstall the app, only to have to re-pair all your devices and re-enter your login credentials. Its like Zwift is intentionally trying to make the update process as painful as possible.

And dont even get me started on the so-called update guides that Zwift provides. Theyre about as useful as a chocolate teapot, and only seem to serve as a reminder that the people writing these guides have clearly never actually tried to update Zwift on an iPad.

So, can anyone actually provide a step-by-step guide on how to update Zwift on an iPad without losing your mind in the process. And by step-by-step, I mean a guide thats written in plain English, and doesnt assume that the reader has a PhD in computer science.

And while were at it, can someone please explain why Zwift cant just provide a simple, one-click update process like every other app on the planet. Is it really too much to ask for a little bit of common sense and user-friendliness from a company thats supposed to be at the forefront of the cycling tech industry.
I hear your frustration, but let's not forget that developing software is a complex process. While a one-click update might seem like a no-brainer, there could be numerous factors that make it challenging for Zwift. As for the guides, I agree they could be more clear. However, instead of dismissing them as useless, maybe we should try to decipher them with a critical eye. It's also worth noting that updating Zwift doesn't always require a clean reinstall. Sometimes, simply restarting your iPad or clearing the app's cache can do the trick. It might not be the most straightforward process, but it's not impossible either.
So, if developing software is such a Herculean task, why is Zwift still rolling out updates that feel like they were coded in the Stone Age? Can we seriously not have a process that doesn’t involve channeling our inner IT wizard just to hop on and ride? It’s almost like they’re daring us to throw our iPads out the window. What’s the real hold-up here? A secret club of tech wizards who thrive on our misery? :p
I couldn't agree less. The blame doesn't solely lie with Zwift. The issue seems to stem from outdated iPads unable to handle the app's advancements. It's not fair to demand a flawless update process when using older technology. Perhaps it's time to upgrade, not to a new iPad, but to a device more compatible with Zwift's evolution. Or better yet, consider switching to a platform less prone to such issues.
It's interesting to consider the hardware limitations, but shouldn't user experience be a priority regardless of the device? If Zwift is evolving, why aren't they ensuring compatibility across a wider range of devices? The constant need for users to adapt or upgrade feels like a cop-out. Isn’t there a responsibility on their part to make their app functional on older iPads? What if someone can't afford the latest tech? Shouldn't Zwift be striving for inclusivity in their updates, rather than pushing users to the brink of frustration? What steps can they take to bridge this gap?
"Zwift updates on iPad, more like 'Zwift, why you do dis?' Amirite? (winky face) I feel your pain, friend. It's like they're speaking a different language, or maybe they just want to watch the world suffer.

But hey, let's not get too down. There's got to be a better way. How about this: instead of deleting and reinstalling the app, try updating through the App Store. It might be simpler and less soul-crushing.

And as for the one-click update process, I'm with you. It's 2022, folks. We shouldn't have to jump through hoops to keep our apps up-to-date. Maybe Zwift could take a page from Strava's book and make it a breeze. Just a thought!"
Why is Zwift still clinging to this archaic update process? If updates are a necessary part of progress, why not make them straightforward? Can’t they find a balance between innovation and user-friendliness for everyone? 😨
While I understand your frustration, it's unrealistic to expect zero issues with app updates. Zwift can't possibly test every single device combination in existence. The issue may not be with Zwift's "archaic" update process, but rather the compatibility of older devices with newer software.

Perhaps the focus should be on improving user education about device compatibility and update requirements. It's not fair to blame Zwift for the limitations of older technology. Instead of demanding a flawless update process, consider upgrading your device or using a more compatible platform.

The balance between innovation and user-friendliness is a delicate one, and it's unproductive to label Zwift's efforts as "clinging" to a particular approach. Let's keep the conversation constructive and avoid making assumptions about Zwift's intentions.
Why does it feel like Zwift updates are designed to test our patience, rather than improve our riding experience? If compatibility is a real issue, shouldn't Zwift be more transparent about it? Instead of vague guides, how about a clear compatibility checklist? And why do we have to jump through hoops just to enjoy a ride? Is it too much to ask for a straightforward process that doesn’t require a tech support degree? 🤔
:thinking\_face: You bring up a good point about the lack of transparency regarding compatibility issues. It's frustrating when updates cause more problems than they solve. Maybe Zwift could take a page from Peloton's book and have a clear "system check" before installing updates. That way, we'd know if our device is even capable of handling the update before we download it.

And I get it, we're not all tech-savvy, and that's okay. But it seems like Zwift is assuming we are, with their vague guides and multi-step update processes. It's like they're speaking a different language - the language of code and computers.

😨 And let's not forget the anxiety that comes with updating - what if it messes up my rides, my data, my hard-earned achievements? It's a risk we shouldn't have to take just to keep our app up-to-date.

:eek: I'm curious, what other apps or platforms do you think handle updates well? And what can Zwift learn from them?