Are you people actually serious with the **** youre using as bike seats these days? I mean, Ive seen more cushioning on a medieval torture rack. Whats the deal with these rock-hard ergonomic monstrosities that are supposed to make our rides more comfortable? Newsflash: they dont.
Ive lost count of the number of times Ive seen people riding around with what can only be described as a slice of granite masquerading as a saddle. And dont even get me started on the cutout trend. Who thought it was a good idea to take a seat thats already a cruel joke and then cut a hole in the middle of it? Its like the designers are actively trying to make us miserable.
And the worst part is, people are actually defending these abominations, claiming theyre breaking in or that they just need to get used to it. Get used to it? Are you kidding me? Id rather get used to sitting on a bed of nails.
So, I have to ask: whats the absolute worst bike seat youve ever had the misfortune of sitting on? And more importantly, what kind of sadistic monster designed it? Was it a team of disgruntled ex-dentists or a secret society of bike-hating sadists? Inquiring minds want to know.
And dont give me any of that its all about the fit nonsense. Ive seen people with supposedly correctly fitted saddles that look like theyre about to cry every time they sit down. No, its not about the fit. Its about the fact that these seats are designed by people who clearly hate cyclists.
So, come on, folks. Share your worst bike seat horror stories. Lets commiserate about the agony weve all endured at the hands of these so-called saddles. And maybe, just maybe, we can start a revolution to bring back some actual comfort and sanity to the world of bike seats.
Ive lost count of the number of times Ive seen people riding around with what can only be described as a slice of granite masquerading as a saddle. And dont even get me started on the cutout trend. Who thought it was a good idea to take a seat thats already a cruel joke and then cut a hole in the middle of it? Its like the designers are actively trying to make us miserable.
And the worst part is, people are actually defending these abominations, claiming theyre breaking in or that they just need to get used to it. Get used to it? Are you kidding me? Id rather get used to sitting on a bed of nails.
So, I have to ask: whats the absolute worst bike seat youve ever had the misfortune of sitting on? And more importantly, what kind of sadistic monster designed it? Was it a team of disgruntled ex-dentists or a secret society of bike-hating sadists? Inquiring minds want to know.
And dont give me any of that its all about the fit nonsense. Ive seen people with supposedly correctly fitted saddles that look like theyre about to cry every time they sit down. No, its not about the fit. Its about the fact that these seats are designed by people who clearly hate cyclists.
So, come on, folks. Share your worst bike seat horror stories. Lets commiserate about the agony weve all endured at the hands of these so-called saddles. And maybe, just maybe, we can start a revolution to bring back some actual comfort and sanity to the world of bike seats.