Fun facts


Active Member
Jan 27, 2016
If you kept yelling for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days, you would produce enough sound energy to heat up a cup of tea.
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There are more English speakers in China than in the United States.
The English are always very polite and considerate of their neighbors. That is probably why it is illegal in London to beat your wife after 9 p.m. (16th century law).
I think it should be more bike related!
Like how -The Tour de France is one of the most famous bicycle races in the world. Established in 1903, it is considered to be the biggest test of endurance out of all sports.
I think it should be more bike related!
Like how -The Tour de France is one of the most famous bicycle races in the world. Established in 1903, it is considered to be the biggest test of endurance out of all sports.

Good suggestion! But this particular section is for jokes and you can post jokes or fun trivia related to anything here.
It was forbidden to buy or sell condoms in Ireland up to the 1990s.
  1. There are over one billion bicycles found throughout the world.
  2. The energy required to cycle at low to medium speeds is roughly the same as the energy required to walk.
  3. Bikes were formerly known as 'velocipedes' before the french derived word replace it.
  4. Before 1840, bicycles did not have the modern cranks until a Scottish blacksmith Kirkpatrick Macmillan made the first modern bicycle, which also featured iron rims. The bike was not a success. Before that, you had to silly kick yourself forward .
  5. The longest “tandem” bike was over 20 meters long and it seated 35 people. It was recorded in the history of dumb ideas as a prime example.
An average raindrop falls at the speed of roughly 7 miles an hour.
If you drink and drive in Italy and you reach over a certain limit of alcohol in your blood, you won’t lose just your driver’s license and freedom, you’ll say good bye to your car, too, which will be seized by the state.
Dogs are the only non-primate animals who seek eye contact with humans; they are also the only animals who run to their owners when they get scared, other domesticated animals simply run away.
The most successful university in the production of billionaires is the University of Pennsylvania – 25 billionaire alumni.
Between 1974-1978, Gombe, Tanzania, saw a violent, four-year-long conflict between two chimpanzee clans involving disputes, numerous deaths and kidnapping. The conflict is known as the Gombe Chimpanzee War.
A rodent’s teeth grow constantly throughout their lives. They have to spend a lot of time gnawing on bark, leaves etc. so that their teeth won’t grow too long.
Women have twice as many nerve receptors as men and so they feel pain more intensely, but they also have a higher tolerance for it.
The word “dude” first appeared in the 19th century to describe young men who were way too engrossed in the task of being fashionable.
The Indian village of Marottichal put a ban on alcohol. The entire population turned to chess and now boasts 100% chess literacy and the nickname of “Chess Village”.
The struggle is real for the ferret – if a female ferret in heat doesn’t find a mate, she can die.