I decided to spend 50$ on the KK Power computer to use on my 2006 Cycleops FLuid2 trainer, as I wanted some estimation of power for my winter trainer sessions on my Trek 5200. I measured the wheel rollout (2109) for Michelin Carbon 700x23 and entered the recommended A & B constants in the computer. Having never had a power meter, I couldn't believe the numbers as they seemed way too high. And when I reviewed some of the threads of people who have tested their Cycleops Fluid2 trainers with a PT meter, it seems my computer is way off. For example, at 21 mph my KK meter was reading 350 W, while it seems others would suggest that the PT would read 285-295W. I tightened the flywheel the recommended 2.5 times after contact with the tire.
Has anyone found better constants to use in their KK Power computer with the Cycleops FLuid2, or have I just wasted $50.
Has anyone found better constants to use in their KK Power computer with the Cycleops FLuid2, or have I just wasted $50.