On Thu, 15 Jun 2006 21:03:51 +0100, Jim Price wrote:
> Mike Causer wrote:
>> I had a nice pint of Adnams' Reggatta in s quiet pub after a relatively
>> traffic free 25km loop between 5:30 and 6:30.
> Ah, yes, that would do it. One of my most memorable single pints was a
> pint of Broadside outside the pub next to the Adnams brewery.
Ahh yes, but the Mild there is the best!
>> One came by bike tho' and I know another of them (Devil's Ditch Morris)
> That had better be the name of a group, not an individual.
Yup. This particular Devil's Ditch is a 7 mile long post-Roman
earthwork, in East Cambridgeshire. There's only one pub actualy on its
line, which is confusingly called the "Dyke's End" (and where I had my
pint this evening), but the Morris happily go to any (every?) CAMRA-listed
pub within dancing distance of the Ditch.
Nature Note: saw a Marsh Harrier on the way round too.