ever heard of this guy?


New Member
Dec 9, 2005
Hey has anybody ever heard of this one ex-professional downhill rider named Butch Arradaza. I believe his nickname was the "old man" because he was in his 40's when he was racing in the pros. He was sponsored by Intense at the end of his career which was in the mid 90's. If anybody knows anything about him i would appreciate if you would reply.
baradaza said:
Hey has anybody ever heard of this one ex-professional downhill rider named Butch Arradaza. I believe his nickname was the "old man" because he was in his 40's when he was racing in the pros. He was sponsored by Intense at the end of his career which was in the mid 90's. If anybody knows anything about him i would appreciate if you would reply.
I have never heard of him, but I will ask the guys that I ride with to see if they have.
Is their some kind of link Between Baradaza and arradaza? Are you searching for a long lost relative?
Is their some kind of link Between Baradaza and arradaza? Are you searching for a long lost relative?
I was wondering the same thing. Is there a connection?
I personally know him.

I know this posting is pretty old but what do you need to know?
I have never heard anything about him.

How old is he? For which bradn was he driving(scott??? Was he good?