High blood sugar and heart rythum


Brian Oakley

Does anyone here have a problem with irregular heart rhythm when your sugar gets too high? If so, Id
like to hear your story and what you've done to help the problem. Thanks.


"Jesus invited us not to a picnic, but to a pilgrimage; not to a frolic, but
to a fight. He offered us, not an excursion, but an execution. Our Savior
said that we would have to be ready to die to self, sin, and the
orld." -Billy Graham
On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 05:48:02 -0600, "Brian Oakley"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Does anyone here have a problem with irregular heart rhythm when your sugar gets too high? If so,
>Id like to hear your story and what you've done to help the problem. Thanks.

How high? How irregular? Brian , you previously mentioned this in relation to increasing your
Glucophage, and also that you have had similar problems all your life. It sounds to me beyond the
medical ability of a newsgroup, and probably not directly related to your diabetes. Time to see the
doc, probably for a stress ecg or some other proper diagnostic procedure to correctly analyse the
true cause of your heart arrhythmia.

Cheers Alan, T2, Oz dx May 2002, diet and exercise.
Everything in Moderation - Except Laughter.
Ben to cardio doc, says its diabetes related. Had stress tests. etc. Asking news group about similar
experiences. OK?

Brian Oakley

"Jesus invited us not to a picnic, but to a pilgrimage; not to a frolic, but
to a fight. He offered us, not an excursion, but an execution. Our Savior
said that we would have to be ready to die to self, sin, and the
orld." -Billy Graham

"Alan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 05:48:02 -0600, "Brian Oakley"
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> >Does anyone here have a problem with irregular heart rhythm when your
> >gets too high? If so, Id like to hear your story and what you've done to
> >help the problem. Thanks.
> >
> >--
> >Brian
> How high? How irregular?
> Brian , you previously mentioned this in relation to increasing your
> Glucophage, and also that you have had similar problems all your life.
> It sounds to me beyond the medical ability of a newsgroup, and
> probably not directly related to your diabetes. Time to see the doc,
> probably for a stress ecg or some other proper diagnostic procedure to
> correctly analyse the true cause of your heart arrhythmia.
> Cheers Alan, T2, Oz
> dx May 2002, diet and exercise.
> --
> Everything in Moderation - Except Laughter.
On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 20:58:39 -0600, "Brian Oakley"
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Ben to cardio doc, says its diabetes related. Had stress tests. etc. Asking news group about
>similar experiences. OK?
>Brian Oakley

No problem, but it's a question that had to be asked. Specifically, very high sugars (over 180 or
10 mmol) give me a tight feeling in the forehead, and I feel flushed, but no arrhythmia that I
have noticed.

More detail may help others reply with more benefit.

Cheers Alan, T2, Oz dx May 2002, diet and exercise.
Everything in Moderation - Except Laughter.
Although I've had the odd "extra heartbeat" (not as much an irregular heartbeat) for many years now
- decades, in fact - over the past few years it's gone really severe - sometimes every heartbeat.
I've had all sorts of tests done, including an ECG, a 24 hour Holter Monitor, Ultra Sound and a
stress test. All tests indicate that the extra heartbeat is not dangerous - I often tend to hop on
my bicycle when it happens, so I am certain it's not dangerous, however it's driving me crazy,
especially at night. This, of course, is probably not the problem the original poster has. In my
case the "extra heartbeat" is definitely tripped off by stress. then it stays like that for weeks,
sometimes months. In my case, I know what I need - to retire to Cairns, and sit at the Mosman Gorge
park, next to the Mosman River, and watch Ulysses butterflies sail by as I read a book.....

Henry, also Type 2, also Oz

"Alan" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:[email protected]...
> On Mon, 3 Nov 2003 20:58:39 -0600, "Brian Oakley" <[email protected]> wrote:
> >Ben to cardio doc, says its diabetes related. Had stress tests. etc.
> >news group about similar experiences. OK?
> >
> >--
> >Brian Oakley
> No problem, but it's a question that had to be asked. Specifically, very high sugars (over 180 or
> 10 mmol) give me a tight feeling in the forehead, and I feel flushed, but no arrhythmia that I
> have noticed.
> More detail may help others reply with more benefit.
> Cheers Alan, T2, Oz dx May 2002, diet and exercise.
> --
> Everything in Moderation - Except Laughter.
On Tue, 4 Nov 2003 19:05:59 +1100, "hemyd" <[email protected]>

> I know what I need - to retire to Cairns, and sit at the Mosman Gorge park, next to the Mosman
> River, and watch Ulysses butterflies sail by as I read a book.....

Well....???? Why not?

Cheers Alan, T2, Oz dx May 2002, diet and exercise.
Everything in Moderation - Except Laughter.
On Wed, 5 Nov 2003 21:10:39 +1100, "hemyd" <[email protected]>

>Cos I need to have money coming in to support my family - and to pay for managing my diabetes (I
>figure I can retire at 85 - easy). I do think fondly of Mosman as I drive from service call to
>service call and have customers and managers put the screws on me all day........

Yes, I know what you mean. I got lucky. I burnt my bridges and decided on a change in life back in
'99. After I sold in Melbourne and bought up here, local real estate boomed. You may remember an ANZ
ad that said: "your house made more then you did today". They were right, so I let it do the work
now. Sort of balances all those years picking up drunks for a living 15 hours a day. I go along with
the "what goes around comes around" theory. Sort of serendipitous that the boom occurred around the
same time my diagnoses came in.

Cheers Alan, T2, Oz dx May 2002, diet and not enough exercise.
Everything in Moderation - Except Laughter.