"Zinn and the Art of Road Bike Maintainance" - a good book?


Dave Stallard

I'm wondering what people's thoughts on this book are. I have heard
complaints that it mostly covers later-model gear, but that doesn't
bother me because that's what I have.

"Dave Stallard" wrote...
> I'm wondering what people's thoughts on this book are. I have heard
> complaints that it mostly covers later-model gear, but that doesn't
> bother me because that's what I have.

VPPress says it's pretty good.
On Mon, 14 Jun 2004 14:06:21 -0400, Dave Stallard <[email protected]>

>I'm wondering what people's thoughts on this book are.

I like it, have found it useful, and have recommended it to others.
Folks that I've recommended it to have given positive feedback to me
about how it's worked for them.

Check your local library for it and see for yourself before you buy.

It's pretty good I think. It offers good general advice on lots of
maintenance issues, including a nice section on what to do when you
break down on the road. I found the Barnett's Manual far more
instructional on actual maintenance, and found myself referring to this
more than Zinn when rebuilding a bike.

On Mon, 14 Jun 2004 14:06:21 -0400, Dave Stallard <[email protected]>
may have said:

>I'm wondering what people's thoughts on this book are. I have heard
>complaints that it mostly covers later-model gear, but that doesn't
>bother me because that's what I have.

I'll add another "aye" vote; there are some esoterica and historical
items that are not mentioned, but for the reasonably recent bike it's
pretty much on target, and I find no fault with any of the advice

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Dave Stallard <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> I'm wondering what people's thoughts on this book are. I have heard
> complaints that it mostly covers later-model gear, but that doesn't
> bother me because that's what I have.
> Dave

I read it and the Zinn mountain bike book about a year ago and
remember them as being way more competent and less mythy than all the
other major consumer-level repair guides.